Friday, July 11, 2008

Joke - You Could Be A Redneck If...

You Could Be A Redneck If...

You have more fingers than you do teeth.
You cut your grass and find a car.
You consider Denny's a fancy restaurant.
Your best suit contains more than 5 colors.
Your age is higher than your I.Q..
Your favorite pickup line is:
"Does this look infected to you?"

You ask your wife whether the spot
on your neck is a boil or a mole
and she replies, "It's a gummy bear."

You have a family reunion and
everyone in town shows up.

You say, "Watch this!" prior
to each hospital visit.

Your wife and ex-wife are sisters.
You can entertain yourself for more than
an hour with a fly swatter.

You've ever been pumping gas and another
customer asks you to check his oil.

You think the Bud Bowl is real.
Your dog goes "oink!"

You think the Nutcracker is something
you did off the high dive.

Your mailbox is made out of old auto parts.
You know how to milk a goat.
Your kids have three-day
old Kool-Aid mustaches.

Your TV gets 512 channels, but you
go outside to use the bathroom.

Turning on your lights involves pulling a string.
You have a refrigerator just for beer.
You come back from the dump
with more than you took.

Your wife owns a camouflage nightie.
You've ever worn cowboy boots
with Bermuda shorts.

You don't think baseball players
spit and scratch too much.

You think the Styrofoam cooler is the
greatest invention of all time.


  1. Ha! Always funny!


  2. I think these are always so funny/cute to read; thanks Val


  3. Those are fantastic.....
    Thank you for the chuckles....

  4.      I enjoyed this.


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