Friday, January 21, 2011

Dignity of Life Quotes...

Dignity of Life Quotes

"No one can dub you with dignity.
That's yours to claim."
- Odetta

"Dignity is not negotiable.
Dignity is the honor of the family."
- Vartan Gregorian

"One's dignity may be assaulted,
vandalized and cruelly mocked, but cannot
be taken away unless it is surrendered."
- Michael J. Fox

"Human rights rest on human dignity.
The dignity of man is an ideal worth
fighting for and worth dying for."
- Robert Maynard

"Dignity is like a perfume; those who use
it are scarcely conscious of it."
- Christina

"The worst loneliness is to not be
comfortable with yourself."
- Mark Twain

"No race can prosper till it learns that there is as
much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem."
- Booker T. Washington

"In my day, we didn't have self-esteem, we had
self-respect, and no more of it than we had earned."
- Jane Haddam

"He who hurries can not walk with dignity."
- A Chinese Proverb

"Whatever games are played with us,
we must play no games with ourselves."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. Booker T. Washington's is my favorite one. Encourages one to write and find the poet within...

  2. "One's dignity may be assaulted,
    vandalized and cruelly mocked, but cannot
    be taken away unless it is surrendered."
    - Michael J. Fox

    That's my very favorite. Thanks for these!

    krissy knox :)
    Sometimes I Think
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