Saturday, June 25, 2011


testing testing one two three testing!


  1. i can see your posting works at someone else's house, but you cannot post on your own computer. i'm glad you went to their house and checked it out. how sad you can't post at your own house on your own computer. i hope you will be able to post on your own computer soon, valerie, and that things will get straightened out, because then we will be able to read your postings once again. we really enjoy them. i believe the proxy settings on your computer system are off, or there is a problem with your browser. please get fixed soon! we need your posts!

    krissy knox :)
    my main blog: Sometimes I Think
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  2. hi rose. this is krissy (Val's sister, posting a comment for her). for some reason Valerie can't post at present. she hasn't been able to for about two months. She is very disappointed bc she considers this blog very important and wants to bring joy to others through it. She is hoping the problem gets straightened out soon, and believes it is perhaps a Blogger (Blogspot) mistake or a reconfiguration software problem. until she gets the problem fixed (which will hopefully be very soon) she won't be able to post. But please hang in there with her, she is working on getting the problem fixed. You can email her at the email address on the right. You can also email me if you have any questions.

    krissy knox :)
    my main blog: Sometimes I Think
    Former AOL Journalers sign our Jland Directory:
    From Jland To Blogger
    let's connect on Twitter:
    want to be friends on FB?

  3. Hope this gets fixed soon. I know how frustrating it can be. This happened to me not long ago.


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