Saturday, September 25, 2010

Maxine Celebrates Fall...

Happy Saturday, my friends. It was very hot for a couple days in my area,
so I thought Fall decided it wasn't going to make an appearance. I had to
run my air conditioner for a two days! That is odd for the end of
September for me. Fall is my favorite season, so I am hoping it will make an
appearance soon and stay for awhile. To get into the spirit of things, I have
Maxine celebrating the season for us. If you want to read her daily, visit
Hallmark's Crabby Road. They are down for renovations, but will return soon.
Have a super weekend, all!! Val =)

Maxine and Autumn


  1. Ha ha these were all funny! Maxine is the best!

  2. Thank you Maxine. You always have it right.

  3. VAL
    I saw a new post & if you want to know about this font (It is SMALLER), it is a little bit too tiny, in my opinion. Can you just come up one little size? I am not the only one that has eye problems, so I think for some of your other readers it MIGHT be a little bit too small, too.

    But it's still the greatest blog around!


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