Clever Anagrams
An anagram is a word, phrase, or sentence formed from another by
re-arranging its letters. Below are some more clever ones:
Elvis =
listen =
Clint Eastwood =
Old West action
Madam Curie =
Radium came
Western Union =
no wire unsent
astronomers =
moon starers /no more stars
the eyes =
they see
the cockroach =
cook, catch her
waitress =
a stew, sir?
the centenarians =
I can hear ten "tens"
desperation =
a rope ends it
I run to escape =
a persecution
The Morse Code =
here come dots
Ronald Reagan =
a darn long era
slot machines =
cash lost in 'em
animosity =
is no amity
mother-in-law =
woman Hitler
A domesticated animal =
docile, as a man tamed it
eleven plus two =
twelve plus one
David Letterman =
nerd amid late TV
(and from Hamlet by Shakespeare:)
To be or not to be: that is the question, whether tis
nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of
outrageous fortune. =
In one of the bard's best-thought- of tragedies, our
insistent hero, Hamlet, queries on two fronts about how
life turns rotten.
Please tell me you didn't compose all of those yourself. My brain hurts just trying to think about it. But I love the catchy results!
ReplyDeleteearth = heart