Monday, September 14, 2009

Witty Quotes...

Witty Quotes

"If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?"
- Abraham Lincoln
"I would have made a good Pope."
- Richard M. Nixon
"I have met a lot of hard-boiled eggs in my time,
but you're twenty minutes."
- Oscar Wilde
"Better a witty fool than a foolish wit."
- William Shakespeare
"The average person thinks he isn't."
- Father Larry Lorenzoni
"A word to the wise ain't necessary,
it is the stupid ones who need all the advice."
- Bill Cosby
"The best way to save face is to keep the
bottom half shut."
- Author Unknown
"Retirement must be wonderful. I mean,
you can suck in your stomach for only so long."
- Burt Reynolds
"My doctor gave me six months to live, but when I
couldn't pay the bill, he gave me six months more."
- Walter Matthau
"If God wanted us to bend over He'd put diamonds
on the floor."
- Joan Rivers
"I didn't attend the funeral,
but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it."
- Mark Twain
"Never try to teach a pig to sing.
It wastes your time and annoys the pig."
- A Proverb
"A witty saying proves nothing."
- Voltaire


  1. I like the one about keeping the bottom half of the face shut.


  2. I love what Abraham Lincoln said! He did have a pretty interesting face! I could hear him saying it!

    A few of the other ones are pretty funny but perhaps not too nice to others, LOL. I know you're just joking, though, sissy! And as far as Joan Rivers goes, well she's not too classy, LOL. Okay, sorry I did such a big critique. I just came on here to say I loved the one by Abe Lincoln, I really do love the man...

    krissy knox :)
    follow me on twitter:
    my main blog:
    Sometimes I Think
    Former AOL bloggers, please list your blog(s) in the directory of blogs I'm creating just for us, so we'll be able to keep in contact with one another:
    From Jland To Blogger

  3. Val, wanted to let you know it took me three tries to make a comment. It was quite difficult. That could be why you are getting so many unique hits yet not so many comments. I am sure that is the reason. I know it is darn frustrating. I am confused about it bc readers can comment in my blog but have a very hard time commenting in yours. They have told me. I know it often takes me at LEAST three attempts to comment in your blog (still) even since IE has had some issues cleared up. But I am persistent and keep trying, many readers aren't as persistent as me and won't keep trying to leave comments. I can understand in a lot of ways, readers can't spend all day trying to get a comment in! And I know that is not why you do this blog, to get comments! You do it to give your readers satisfaction! So perhaps it doesn't even matter to you... It does make me sad however, and I do wish readers would TRY to comment. Like good ol' faithful DB up there (commenter #1), he always attempts until he is successful! Thank you DB! Anyway, Sissy, I wanted you to know that even with me knowing the tricks w how to get in w comments, the special ways, in Blogger (Blogspot) it is still impossible or very difficult. I am telling you this so you don't get discouraged and wonder why you sometimes don't get discouraged... I AM glad you are getting read though, as evidenced by the fact that you get several hundred hits per day! I think that's good...

    I tweeted you today, BTW! Please check out my tweet here:

    Anyway, got to run, as I stated, the important thing is you are making others happy with your blog. :)

    krissy knox :)
    follow me on twitter:
    my main blog:
    Sometimes I Think
    Former AOL bloggers, please list your blog(s) in the directory of blogs I'm creating just for us, so we'll be able to keep in contact with one another:
    From Jland To Blogger


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