Quotes on Humor, Fun Quotes
"Without a strong sense of humour, we might
as well all become accountants, remedial algebra
teachers and telephone sanitizers."
- Tom Knapp
"You are not angry with people when you laugh
at them. Humor teaches them tolerance."
- William Somerset Maugham
"Everybody's always drumming on
about the future but I'm not letting it
interfere with my laughs."
- John Lennon
"If you can't laugh at yourself,
make fun of other people."
- Bobby Slayton
"You can turn painful situations around through
laughter. If you can find humor in
anything -- even poverty -- you can survive it."
- Bill Cosby
"The most wasted of all days
is one without laughter."
- E. E. Cummings
"I want to touch the heart of
the world and make it smile."
- Charles de Lint
I liked e.e. cummings one!! a day without laughter is a sad one indeed